Board of Directors

  • Jamie Evans, Secretary

    Bill Burch

    Ryan Dillard

    Vin Di Rosa

    Melanie Dix

    Tom Lucas

    Fr. Monte Hoyles

    Mr. Ryan Wikel, President / Head of School (ex-officio)

    Fr. Zach Brown, Priest Leader (ex-officio)

Ben Moncher - Board President

Rick Jeffrey - Vice-President

Contact the SCCS Board

There are two ways to communicate with the SCCS Board.  First, an email can be sent to the Board.  Second, the board provides up to 30 minutes at the beginning of each board meeting wherein the public may appear and be heard, with speaking time limited to five minutes per speaker. Anyone wishing to address the Board at a meeting must email Jillian Gill at least one week prior to the school board meeting in order to allow necessary preparation and to be added to the agenda. 

Speakers will not be able to enter into the regular board meeting and the board reserves the right to table any matter of concern presented by visitors until the next regular board meeting.

2023-24 Board Meeting Dates

Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm

  • Wednesday, August 16, 2023 (5 pm, due to Meet the Teacher)

    Wednesday, September 20, 2023

    Wednesday, October 18, 2023

    Wednesday, November 15, 2023

    Wednesday, December 20, 2023

    Wednesday, January 17, 2024

    Wednesday, February 21, 2024

    Wednesday, March 20, 2024

    Wednesday, April 17, 2024

    Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    Wednesday, June 19, 2024


  • Board minutes are published on the SCCS website in an effort to keep our stakeholders engaged and informed. There are no requirements from the diocese to post minutes, and not every diocesan school chooses to publish or post minutes. At each regular board meeting, minutes from the previous month's regular meeting are approved for thoroughness and accuracy before being released for publication. This means there will always be a lag of between 4 and 6 weeks before minutes are made available.

  • By statute there are 8 voting seats on the SCCS board. Six are held through elected positions. The Pastor holds a voting seat and also names an appointee to a seat. Each seat, with the exception of the Pastor, is a three year term. Board members may be elected, or appointed, to two consecutive terms.

  • Names of those interested in serving as a SCCS board member are submitted to the board’s governance committee for approval. The committee, in cooperation with the board, chooses the slate of potential candidates which are presented to members of the three Sandusky Catholic parishes for election. Elections are held annually, in June or July.

  • Ex-Officio members are invited to participate in board meetings and discussions, but are not entitled to a vote. The Superintendent of the Schools for the Toledo Diocese serves as an ex-officio member of the SCCS school board, representing the Bishop. The SCCS Head of School/President also serves as an ex-officio member. The board may also choose to appoint representatives from other SCCS stakeholder groups, as dictated by board’s approved statutes.

  • No, board members serve as volunteers.

  • The SCCS Board has seven standing committees, each having a board member serve as chair or representative. These committees are: Finance, Advancement & Development, Facilities & Transportation, Governance, Human Resources, Programs and Catholic Identity. There is also a standing executive committee, comprised of the board chair, vice chair and secretary. Special or ad-hoc committees can be convened as necessary.

  • The SCCS board operates under a diocese-approved governing document called the “Statutes.” The Statutes outline the organizational structure, duties and functions of the board, reserved power of the Bishop, board terms and composition, duties of the President and board officers, meetings and quorums, committees and more.

  • No. The board hires the SCCS President. This is the only employee who works directly for the board. The board approves the hiring and termination of employment of the Principals, Athletic Director, Advancement and Development Director and Chief Financial Officer.

  • The duties and functions of the board are outlined in the statutes. A few of these responsibilities include:

    Conduct the affairs of the school with legal and ethical integrity;

    Ensure quality programming for all students including the areas of religious education, secular academic subjects, and extra-curricular activities;

    Develop and maintain a formal written strategic plan, to be updated annually;

    Review and approve the annual financial budget, as well as monitor budget reports at regular intervals throughout the year;

    Establish all tuition rates and fees;

    Approve and monitor all general fiscal matters including capital expenditures and campaigns and extraordinary expense items;

    Support the institutional advancement activities and programs of the school;

    Review and evaluate committee recommendations;

    Recruit and select a candidate for the Office of President to be submitted to the diocesan bishop for approval;

    Review and approve the annual pay scale including adjustments in pay for staff of the school;

    Other items as deemed necessary by board membership

  • The board requests that all concerns follow the chain of command to find an appropriate solution. This means discussion begins with the teacher / coach, followed by the appropriate principal / director, and finally the Head of School / President. If this line of communication has been utilized without resolution, there are two ways to communicate to the SCCS Board. First, an email can be sent to the Board. Second, the board provides up to 30 minutes at the beginning of each board meeting wherein the public may appear and be heard. Speaking time is limited to five minutes per speaker. Speakers will not be able to enter into the regular board meeting, and the board reserves the right to table any matter of concern presented by visitors until the next regular board meeting. Meetings are typically held the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Check the school calendar to verify dates.